Persuasive essay on smoking

Persuasive essay on smoking

Persuasive Essay Smokers should stop smoking. Smoking is very addicting to people and is bad for them and the environment. It can cause many diseases and problems to people. Also, it can kill people and cause relatives and family friends to hurt also due to problems the smoker runs into. Smoking can cause physical and mental appearance. Pregnant.

The Smoke Scene You ve all probably seen a cigarette before. You ve probably even smelled cigarette smoke before. But do you know all the dangers that come with it? Some of you may know a few of the dangers, such as smoking being able to cause lung cancer, but is that all you know? About 400,000 people die every year because of the tobacco in a.

The governments must ban the sales of tobacco products. There are many consequences to smoking like health, addiction, cessation and economic costs. Second hand smoke is a major problem, since smoking is allowed in alot of public places. Second hand smoke has fifty cancer causing shemicals which are inhaled by non-smokers. Second hand tobacco smoke.

When will the government realize that public smoking is toxic to public health? Exposure to fumes can be just as unhealthy for a non-smoker as it is for the smoker. Smoking should be banned in public because people are exposed to hazardous smoke in many places, a ban can lead to prevention and quitting of smoking and second hand smoke can cause.

Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on. Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to smoke. Smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to.

Well, this is my essay for Language Arts class on Smoking. It s suppose to be a persuasive essay. DON T SMOKE!!! enjoy ALL OF THIS INFORMATION IS 101 Persuasive Essay Topics – Whether you re a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher assigning an essay, this list is a great.

Devry University Professor Emily Gorman-Fancy April 06,2011 Quit Smoking Today| The Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes| Katie Coomes| Quit smoking today! I tell myself that every day and every day it gets harder. Are you a smoker? Do you know someone who does smoke? If so maybe this is what you need to read on reducing your chances of Heart Disease.

If you have to create a persuasive essay about smoking, you should, first of all, think over the possible ways of persuading your reader in uselessness and harmfulness of smoking. If you are a smoker, you have more chances to succeed in your convincing attempts, since only a smoker can realize a need and, at the same time, uselessness of smoking.