Tones in writing

Tones in writing

Once you’ve worked out who your intended audience is, you need to pick an appropriate tone to write in. There are many tones that you can use, and sometimes there is more than one appropriate (more…)

What is anhedonia

What is anhedonia

Definition of anhedonia in the Medical Dictionary by The Free.

Anhedonia Treatment – What you Need to Know. Fri, – 13:49– Gloria Goodwin. If you suffer from anhedonia, then there is (more…)

English writing

English writing

Welcome to EnglishClub Writing where you ll find writing lessons and resources for learners and teachers of English. What is Writing? – A short description of writing Alphabet – English (more…)

Essay corrector

Essay corrector

Robust grammar checking allows you to find those pesky mistakes and correct them before turning in your.

There are many factors that go into the process of writing an excellent essay. While (more…)

Check my essay

Check my essay

Schools, colleges and universities are increasingly concerned about plagiarism because of the many ways that students can now cheat using various difficult to detect sources, which are not (more…)

Paragraph writing

Paragraph writing

Free Online Interactive Writing Games & Activities for Kids Free Original Clipart for Kids and.

In many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph. A paragraph (more…)