Sample meaning
Sample – definition of sample by The Free Dictionary Printer Friendly a. A portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole: showed samples of a new stretch fabric. b. A specimen taken for analysis or testing: a blood sample; a water sample. a. a set of individuals or items selected from a.
An example of a sample is a free piece of sausage at the grocery store that is designed to get you to buy a box of sausage. An example of a sample is a small piece of a tumor that is taken to test in a lab. An example of a sample is a small subset of society who is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinion of society as a whole. a part.
instance, case, illustration, example, sample, specimen mean something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category. instance applies to any individual person, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain an instance of history repeating itself. case is used to direct attention to a real or assumed occurrence or.
Rank Abbr. Meaning SAMPLE Situation Awareness Model for Pilot-in-the-Loop Evaluation (various locations) SAMPLE Simulation and Modeling of Profiles in Lithography and Etching (computing program) SAMPLE Society of Aerospace Materials and Process Engineers SAMPLE Signs/Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent Past History, Last Oral Intake, Events.
a small part of anything or one of a number, intended to show the quality, style, or nature of the whole; specimen. a set of individuals or items selected from a population for analysis to yield estimates of, or to test hypotheses about, parameters of the whole population. A biased sample is one in which the items selected share some property which.
sample meaning, definition, what is sample: a small amount of something that shows you what the rest is or should be like. Learn.
The sample mean or empirical mean and the sample covariance are statistics computed from a collection of data on one or more random variables. The sample mean is a vector each of whose elements is the sample mean of one of the random variables – that is, each of whose elements is the arithmetic average of the observed values of one of the.
The arithmetic mean (or simply mean ) of a sample , usually denoted by , is the sum of the sampled values divided by the number of items in the sample: Color Wheel Pro is a software program that allows you to create color schemes and preview them on real-world examples. Click here to find out color.
The sample mean from a group of observations is an estimate of the population mean. Given a sample of size n, consider n independent random variables X1, X2., Xn, each corresponding to one randomly selected observation. Each of these variables has the distribution of the population, with mean and standard deviation. The sample mean is defined.