Academic summary example

Academic summary example

Writing an Academic Summary Prepared by the Southeastern Writing Center. Updated by Melanie Marse. Last updated on January 12, 2008. An academic summary tells the main points of a source text in brief form. As a condensed version of the source material, it can range anywhere from a couple of sentences to a short summary article, depending on the.

What is a summary? Summary writing is an important writing skill in U.S. schools and universities. One important purpose of studying this type of writing is to enable students to demonstrate their understanding of reading material to their teachers or professors; therefore, the better you can summarize, the more likely you can prove to your.

The samples below are papers by students, unless specifically noted. They are examples of A level undergraduate writing or entry-level professional work. To get a better idea of how this type of paper is written, you will want to look at all the samples. Then compare the samples to each other and to what the Basics part of this chapter says. The.

Semiformal voice – This means no slang, colloquialism (common expressions of ordinary speech), contractions of nouns and verbs, etc. Third person point-of-view – Third person points-of-view (e.g., he, she, it, and they as well as their accusative, dative, and possessive forms) should be used. No first and second person points-of-view (e.g., I, you.

It is not always that easy to compile the information in a given text in a neat, understandable manner. Read our summary essay samples to get a better grip on how to do this yourself. ”Flowers for Algernon,” written in 1966 by Daniel Keyes, has rightly become one of the most well-known fantasy novels in world literature. Originally written as.

Rogers, Carl R. Communication: Its Blocking and its Facilitation. In On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. 329-337. Rpt. in Current Issues and Enduring Questions. 3rd ed. Eds. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston: Bedford Books-St. Martin s Press, 1993. 794-801. In Communication: Its Blocking and Its Facilitation, psychotherapist.

Apr 09, 2013 · An IELTS academic reading by . This video is an example of an academic IELTS reading section with question strategies and techniques to. Review an example of a college student resume with a resume summary, plus more resume samples and resume writing.

The purpose of a summary is to give the reader, in a about 1/3 of the original length of an article/lecture, a clear, objective picture of the original lecture or text. Most importantly, the summary restates only the main points of a text or a lecture without giving examples or details, such as dates, numbers or statistics. Skills practiced.

Rogers, Carl R. Communication: Its Blocking and Its Facilitation. [On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. 329-337.] Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford-St. Martin s P, 1993. 794-801. Print. In Communication: Its Blocking and Its Facilitation, psychotherapist Carl R. Rogers.