Definition chauvinism

Definition chauvinism

noun | \ˈshō-və-ˌni-zəm\ | See the full.

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The definition of chauvinism refers to being excessively or overly loyal to your country, race or gender, often at the expense of others. An example of chauvinism is extreme patriotism. An example of chauvinism is a man who is extremely loyal and respectful towards men, while simultaneously not treating women as well. Militant devotion to and.

Chauvinism, in its original meaning, is an exaggerated patriotism and a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory. According to legend, French soldier Nicolas Chauvin was badly wounded in the Napoleonic wars. He received a pension for his injuries but it was not enough to live on. After Napoleon abdicated, Chauvin was a fanatical.

1. Militant devotion to and glorification of one s country; fanatical patriotism. 2. Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one s own gender, group, or kind: the chauvinism. of making extraterrestrial life in our own image (Henry S.F. Cooper.

Chauvinism means the belief that your country is superior to all others. If you traveled to China and complained about everything that was unfamiliar and talked about how much better things are back home, you d be guilty of chauvinism. While the main meaning of chauvinism is an exaggerated sense of patriotism, or being convinced that your country.

The Golden Treasury of popular music already contains material suitable for the purpose of patriotic pride, although I do not favour chauvinism. noun 1. zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory. 2. biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause: religious chauvinism. 3. the. Example sentences It rests on.

aggressive or fanatical patriotism; jingoism enthusiastic devotion to a cause smug irrational belief in the superiority of one s own race, party, sex, etc ⇒ ■ male.

1840, exaggerated, blind patriotism, from French chauvinisme (1839), from the character Nicholas Chauvin, soldier of Napoleon s Grand Armee, notoriously attached to the Empire long after it was history, in the Cogniards popular 1831 vaudeville La Cocarde Tricolore. Meaning extended to sexism via male chauvinism (1969). The name is a French form of.